Info: ltd. is a digital marketing company for clients around the world. The company is headquartered in London according to the company house registry:

The main shareholder of the company is Mateusz Bak:

The current address of the company’s CEO is: Ul. Reymonta 19C/9, 80-290 Gdańsk, Poland.

The company provides consultancy and systems implementation for marketing and sales.
As to the specific nature of the works performed, the company deals with:
1. the execution of paid advertisements in advertising networks such as Google, Meta, Linkedin, Tiktok, Bing, etc.
2. building effective purchase paths for b2c, b2b clients
3. marketing automations
4. Content strategies
5. performance marketing
6. search engine positioning
7. optimization of conversion rates

The company mainly serves the small and medium-sized business sector in Europe.

If you need to contact us, please contact us by email: